Here's Another Thing

Conversion Charts
How much is a cup in US recipes?
What on earth is Moderate oven in terms of Gas Mark?
How many inches is that in centimetres?
Well, here's a handy set of tables to help you out!
Centigrade Fahrenheit Gas Mark Heat








Very cool

130 250 1/2  
140 275 1 Cool
150 300 2  
170 325 3 Moderate
180 350 4  
190 375 5 Moderately hot
200 400 6  
220 425 7 Hot
230 450 8  
240 475 9 Very hot


Temperature Conversion:
Fahrenheit to Celsius: Celsius to Fahrenheit:
Subtract 32
Multiply by 5
Divide by 9
Multiply by 9
Divide by 5
Add 32

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The Cud Life

Cooking Fantastic

We are pleased to have everything under one umbrella at THE CUD LIFE at Spruisty Hall Farm.
Cottages, Camping and Cookware!