Here's Another Thing

Conversion Charts
How much is a cup in US recipes?
What on earth is Moderate oven in terms of Gas Mark?
How many inches is that in centimetres?
Well, here's a handy set of tables to help you out!
Dry (Weight) Measurements
1 oz   30 grams  (28.35g)
2 oz   55 grams
3 oz   85 grams
4 oz 1/4 pound 125 grams
8 oz 1/2 pound 240 grams
12 oz 3/4 pound 375 grams
16 oz 1 pound 454 grams
32 oz 2 pounds 907 grams
1 kilogram 2.2 pounds/ 35.2 ounces 1000 gram

Tablespoon = tbsp   teaspoon = tsp     1 Cup = 16tbsp = 48tsp

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The Cud Life

Cooking Fantastic

We are pleased to have everything under one umbrella at THE CUD LIFE at Spruisty Hall Farm.
Cottages, Camping and Cookware!